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Kaspersky Lab Becomes Member of the OPC Foundation to Ensure Integrated Protection of Multi-Platform Industrial Environments

21 février 2017

Kaspersky Lab is the first industrial cybersecurity vendor to partner with the organization through its Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity solution.

Kaspersky Lab has joined theOPC Foundation,a global organization establishing data and information transfer standards for multi-vendor, multi-platform, secure and reliable industrial interoperability independent from markets. On becoming a member, Kaspersky Lab obtains access to all the OPC specifications and tools to bringKaspersky Industrial CyberSecurityto the new level of interoperability.

OPC is the interoperability standard for the secure and reliable exchange of data and information grown up in the industrial automation and other industries. It ensures the seamless flow of information among multi-vendor ICS platforms. More than 460 industry vendors and software developers take part in creating the series of specifications for the OPC standard and Kaspersky Lab is excited to participate in the development of future cybersecurity-related OPC standards.

The membership also allows Kaspersky Lab to implement support for the OPC UA framework and use the OPC libraries in its industrial cybersecurity solution. The company now has access to the OPC Certification Lab where the solution can be tested to achieve the smooth interoperability with all the protocol’s features.

Once the certification is completed, Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity will be available to integrate seamlessly into the heterogeneous industrial environments of customers that use the OPC protocols. This ensures the OPC-compliant multi-layered protection of SCADA servers, HMI panels, engineering workstations, PLCs, network connections and other organizational and industrial elements.

Andrey Suvorov, Head of Critical Infrastructure Protection at Kaspersky Lab, comments: “One of our main goals is to ensure that our solution for industrial cybersecurity meets the requirements of organizations around the world, including interoperability standards. As a new member of the OPC Foundation we are not only making another big step towards ensuring integrated and compliant protection is available for our customers, but also contributing to the future development of standards for industrial cybersecurity.

Thomas J. Burke. OPC Foundation President & Executive Director, welcomes Kaspersky Lab joining the OPC Foundation: “Kaspersky Lab is one of the most important companies addressing international cyber security, building robust security solutions and providing services across multiple domains.  We look forward to their active participation in the OPC Foundation helping take OPC to the next level, and providing products and services that address the cyber security needs to the whole OPC community and beyond addressing the needs of the multiple collaboration partners, and providing a solid platform solution addressing the complex requirements of IIC, Industie4.0, M2M, and China 2025. Additionally, the products and services that they offer are clearly targeted to address the ever-changing needs of the IOT and IIoT.”

More information about Kaspersky Lab’s industrial cybersecurity portfolio is available on the website.  

Kaspersky Lab Becomes Member of the OPC Foundation to Ensure Integrated Protection of Multi-Platform Industrial Environments

Kaspersky Lab is the first industrial cybersecurity vendor to partner with the organization through its Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity solution.
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À propos de Kaspersky

Kaspersky est une entreprise mondiale de cybersécurité et de confidentialité numérique fondée en 1997. Avec plus d’un milliard d’appareils protégés à ce jour contre les cybermenaces émergentes et les attaques ciblées, l’expertise de Kaspersky en matière de sécurité et de veille sur les menaces prend la forme de solutions et services innovants améliorées en continu et visant à protéger les entreprises, les infrastructures critiques, les gouvernements et les consommateurs du monde entier. Le portefeuille de sécurité complet de l’entreprise comprend une protection de pointe des terminaux, des produits et services de sécurité spécialisés, ainsi que des solutions de cyberimmunité pour lutter contre les menaces numériques sophistiquées qui ne cessent d’évoluer. Nous aidons plus de 200 000 entreprises clientes à protéger ce qui compte le plus pour elles. Plus d'informations sur : www.kaspersky.fr.

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